The theme for the Forest and Bird Marlborough monthly talk is - What is Marlborough’s future with Climate Change?
Speakers from Marlborough District Council (MDC), Climate Karanga Marlborough (CKM), have been invited to present their views and perspectives on what environmental and social impacts we can expect from increasing greenhouse gases and how we can mitigate them.
MDC’s latest Environment Plan has a dedicated chapter on Climate Change and staff have produced a Climate Action Plan. Richard Coningam of MDC will explain how Council is using the best available information. This will enable people and communities to respond to the adverse and the positive effects created by an uncertain future with climate change.
Budyong Hill is a member of a local group (CKM) who have been active in raising public awareness about Marlborough’s climate future with a range of activities, including, picnics and theme days. CKM has worked hard to ensure that the new Environment Plan accommodated what is needed and made significant contributions to the final section.
All the speakers will present their perspectives and then join in a discussion forum around questions from the floor. The meeting will be at 7.30pm on Thursday 20th August at Blenheim School Hall (Seymour St entrance). There will be a short branch AGM before the talk. Everyone is welcome to attend, but please be Covid-19 aware and stay home if unwell. Young people are particularly welcome to give their perspective and join in the discussion.