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Hopefulness and Conservation Action Survey

You are invited to take part in this survey about the role of hope in conservation volunteering on behalf of PhD candidate Helen Ough at the AUT. Completing this survey will indicate that you are consenting to participate in this research.

Research results will be published in a peer-reviewed publication and be used in the PhD thesis of Helen Ough from AUT. Your responses will be confidential and you will not be able to be identified. If you choose to withdraw from the survey at any time your responses will not be included.

More information? click on pdf information sheet link

Sharing your thoughts about hope and conservation action will be invaluable for future community conservation volunteering. I hope you find the survey interesting and enjoyable. 

Click here: 

This survey was approved by the Auckland University of Technology Ethics Committee (AUTEC) on 5 November 2019, AUTEC Reference number 18/406

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