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Rat attacking a bird's nest at night
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Credit - Nga Manu images

Defend our Birds

Please help stop the killing and defend our native birds from predators

Defend our Birds

Every 10 minutes, 500 adult native birds, their chicks and eggs, will be slaughtered by introduced predators. You can help stop this by making a donation today. Your gift will be used to give two punches to the predators. First you'll be funding more trapping right now, in Forest & Bird reserves, to defend birds during their vulnerable breeding season. Then you'll be funding the only way we'll ever stop the killing - by calling on Government for more investment in predator control across the whole country. Every dollar and every minute makes a difference. 

Yes! I will help defend our birds!
Which conservation area are you interested in?

If you would like to make a donation direct to our bank account:
Account name: Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Incorporated
Account Number: 38-9019-0456965-01 (Please reference your name.)

*View the Donation terms and conditions (Note: Opens in a new browser tab).