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Drawing of Archey's frog in black a red background

STOP Fast-track

We're facing our biggest ever fight for Aotearoa New Zealand’s environment and we need your help to fight the Fast-track Approvals Bill. 

STOP Fast-track

For months Forest & Bird kept the pressure on the coalition Government to release the projects destined for automatic fast tracking through Schedule 2 of the bill. In what we call a dark day for democracy, it was released long after public consultation closed.

Some of the projects on the list are ones that Forest & Bird has spent years successfully opposing in court  ‘zombie projects’  such as the Ruataniwha dam in Hawke’s Bay and Trans-Tasman Resources’ proposal for seabed mining off the Taranaki coast.

Under the bill, proposed projects would be able to avoid community consultation, expert scrutiny, and environmental safeguards under existing laws.  

We can’t let this happen and we need your help.

Please give today so we can STOP the War on Nature. 

YES! I will donate to the fight for nature
Which conservation area are you interested in?

If you would like to make a donation direct to our bank account:
Account name: Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Incorporated
Account Number: 38-9019-0456965-01 (Please reference your name.)

 View the Donation terms and conditions (Note: Opens in a new browser tab).

Nature needs your support

Supporting Forest & Bird is one of the best things you can do for New Zealand's environment. We need people like you to support us, so that nature will always have a voice.
