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South Island

Dunedin needs a plan to protect our people, our places, and the things we love from climate change. We have a chance to achieve this.

Later this month, Dunedin City Councillors will decide whether to adopt the draft Zero Carbon Plan 2030. This outlines an effective and practical way forward with sufficient ambition to match the scale of the challenge we face. 

There is a real concern that Councillors will use budget constraints to water down the ambition of the plan, including by extending the date of achievement from 2030 to 2050.

We need your help. Sign our petition calling on Council to adopt the plan immediately, without amendments, and provide funding options to match its ambition

Sign the petition

We must act now to ensure Councillors do not let budget implications constrain the plan’s ambition. Urgently reducing our carbon emissions is the right thing to do — for our community now and in the future. If Dunedin City Councillors choose to delay our zero carbon targets, we all pay the price. 

Take action now. Add your name to our petition calling for urgent action on climate change and ask your friends and whānau to do the same.

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Nature needs your support

Supporting Forest & Bird is one of the best things you can do for New Zealand's environment. We need people like you to support us, so that nature will always have a voice.
