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Event date:
Event location:

Ranui Community House, 474 Swanson Road, opposite the Ranui Library.
New Zealand

Event type:
Public talk
Conservation area:
North Island
South Island
Bay of Plenty
Hawke's Bay
Southland/Stewart Island
Top of the South
West Coast

Frank Lepera - Towards Predator-Free Waiheke

Frank Lepera is Stoat Operations Manager for Te Korowai o Waiheke. He is working with a diverse team of volunteers, staff, farm hands, and contractors across 9200ha of variable terrain to service over 1600 traps in an effort to eradicate stoats from Waiheke Island.In the effort to eradicate stoats, Te Korowai o Waiheke has gained valuable knowledge on the effectiveness of various eradication methods, utilizing a variety of lures and traps. Advancing from the initial knockdown phase of reducing stoat numbers to a targeted detect and respond strategy, the program methodically deals with every stoat sighting on the island. Some great results are already being seen through a programme of outcome monitoring, this has shown a significant increase in the numbers of native and endemic birds counted, including kākā.

Frank Lepera - Stoat Operations Manager for Te Korowai o Waiheke - Frank moved to Aotearoa in 2017. Prior to that he worked as an Environmental Science Researcher and Biological Technician for more than sixteen years in the US and holds a Masters in Biological Science. His diverse background includes everything from the impact of global warming on plants in the arctic tundra to controlling invasive sea lamprey in the Great Lakes region of the USA. Frank also trained scientists across the USA to assess water quality in rivers, lakes, wetlands, and coastal areas by collecting water and sediment samples and assessing species composition for invertebrates and fish. Currently, Frank is working with a diverse team of volunteers, staff, farm hands, and contractors across 9200ha of variable terrain to service over 1600 traps in an effort to eradicate stoats from Waiheke Island.
or a shorter version: 

We are in our temporary location of the Ranui Community House, 474 Swanson Road, opposite the Ranui Library. 

Non members very welcome, join us for a cup of tea or coffee and some supper afterwards for a chat to our speakers and other like minded people. Koha appreciated to cover hall hire. For further information ph Liz 0274 762732,


Event contact

Liz Anstey
Liz 0274 762732

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