Peter Gaze will be talking about
The restoration of Puangiangi - a private island in the Outer Sounds
Peter’s talk will describe the restoration from a farmed island to something they hope will eventually have much the same conservation values as Takapourewa/Stephens Island. There will be an emphasis on how all of this is so different on private land, the relationships and the twists of fate that make it possible.
The Fauna Recovery New Zealand Trust website (fauna says that “Peter is the brains behind the Puangiangi Island restoration project and is a contractor to the Trust. Formerly with DOC until retirement, he brings to the table a 30-year background in practical conservation work. We have him to thank for organising the efficient funding mechanism we use for projects on the public estate, and for getting the all-important rock wren project off the ground despite the odds. Peter has held office with The Ornithological Society of New Zealand and was until retirement Recovery Group Leader for Tuatara.”