Sunday 22nd of March experts will provide amazing insights into the nightlife of our native bush and wetland - we might see glow worms, find koura (cray fish), discover spiders and see or hear the birds of the night: ruru (morepork), petrels, maybe even our pateke (brown teal)! A great opportunity for all to enjoy nature in a special setting - whether young or old, novice or experienced.
This walk is part of the Forest & Bird "Nightwalks with Nature series" with Auckland Council, where acknowledged experts will lead walks sharing their knowledge.
Time: 7pm sharp. It is recommended you arrive 30 minutes earlier.
Bring: a detailed list will be sent on booking
Duration: 2 hours approximately.
Costs: Adults $10.00 Children $5.00 Family (2 adults and 2 children) $25.00
The other walks are on 15th, 16th and 17th of February at Arataki, Kakamatua and Exhibition Drive.
Bookings are essential for all walks as spaces are extremely limited. Contact Auckland Council ph. (09) 366 2000 (prompt no. 2), or the Arataki Visitor Centre ph. (09) 8170089
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