The Red Admiral Story by Jacqui Knight.
Jacqui Knight is the founding trustee of the Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust, spreading the word about the importance of butterflies and moths in our gardens and restoration projects. In this talk she will focus on the Red Admiral. Most Aucklanders don’t remember Vanessa gonerilla gonerilla. There are other red admirals in the world, but the NZ red admiral, in Te Reo ‘kahukura’ (meaning “red cloak”) is definitely the most beautiful. It’s as much a part of NZ as our kiwi and kauri, but it seems to have been gone and forgotten here over the past twenty years. It was once widespread but seemed to have disappeared from Auckland when the city was sprayed with insecticide to eradicate the painted apple month (1996-2004). Development and the loss of our wild spaces also means that now the beautiful butterfly is a very infrequent visitor. Jacqui will be talking about what we can do to help this taonga species, and the good news story of its recent releases.
Ranui Community House, 474 Swanson Road, opposite the Ranui Library.
Thursday 17thof October 7.30pm, free and a chance to mix and mingle with likeminded people over a cuppa. Koha to cover hall hire.