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Event date:
Event location:

Feldwick Gates, Queens Park
New Zealand

Event type:
Volunteer activity:
Conservation area:
Southland/Stewart Island

This event has been organised by the Southland Ecological Restoration Network

  • 9.00am: Leave Feldwick Gates, Queens Park
  • 10.15am – noon: Rural Women’s Castledown Wetland
    • This wetland at the foot of Rural Women Southland’s pine plantation, has been recognised as an important remnant flaxland. With assistance from the Dipton Landcare Group, the Rural Women began this restoration project in 2015. Come along and hear more about it, as well as giving a helping hand with planting/planting maintenance.
  • 12.30pm: Mossburn – lunch stop
  • 2.00pm: Five Rivers Café – Mid Dome Wilding Pines
    • Millions of dollars are being spent on the problem of wilding pines. Hear about progress on our local site and what the long term vision is.
  • 5.00pm: Return Feldwick Gates, Queens Park
    • Along the way we will hear about protection of our natural heritage by landowners through the QEII National Trust. There are many areas of native bush, tussock grasslands and wetlands being protected in perpetuity, under Open Space Covenants, retaining biodiversity and landscape values in Southland.

To book a place on the bus for this tour please email SERN member, Sheryll Ashton, at or phone 027 310 3606

Bring your own lunch and refreshments, and be prepared for wet conditions under foot.
Thanks to Environment Southland for sponsoring the bus cost

Event contact

Sheryll Ashton
027 310 3606

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