A very special Third Thursday Talk to close off our series for 2019. Writer, strategist, conservationist and local Bethells/Te Henga resident Annette Lees will be talking about her latest book.
During a year of swimming every day, Annette Lees discovered that New Zealanders have a special passion for outdoor swimming. In her book Swim, Annette has collected our stories of taking a dip - of urban swims, famous swims, forbidden swims, and lost swims. Annette will provide an illustrated talk, discussing many watery tales including issues of fresh water quality.
'Swim', which was long listed for the 2019 Royal Society's Non Fiction prize, will be for sale on the night for a special price to Forest and Bird of $35. Please bring cash if you would like to buy a copy.
All our public talks are held at the Kelston Community Centre, 135 Awaroa Road, corner Great North Road, Kelston, starting at 7.30 pm. Non members are very welcome, join us for supper afterwards. Koha appreciated to cover hall hire. For further information contact Liz Anstey