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Regular GivingMembership

Membership terms and conditions

Forest and Bird encourages all new, prospective and existing members to make themselves familiar with our membership terms and conditions as set out below.

These terms may be subject to review or update at anytime, so we suggest you review these terms on a regular basis to ensure you are happy with the content below.

"Us", "we" or "our" refers to Forest & Bird and or the KCC.

Your data and privacy

Forest & Bird takes any data and information provided to us seriously. Our Privacy Policy sets out the manner and ways in which we store, handle and access your information. 

Forest & Bird reserves the right to contact you about matters relating to your membership on your nominated contact details, for the duration of your membership with us.

You may update or view your membership details with us online, at  via the My Forest & Bird online user portal. When you join us, we will initiate your account setup which will be active approx. 1 week after joining us. From here you can edit many details such as your name, address, email and communications preferences with us. 

Payment and payment processing

If you have elected to pay by credit card online when signing up or renewing your membership with us, the transaction is handled securely over HTTPS protocol which encrypts data transfer. Our transaction providers (Stripe and Flo2Cash) are PCI-DSS compliant. 

Payment by direct debit is set up directly with your authority and may be amended or updated by you at any point by contacting our Membership team or phone us on 0800 200 064.

Cancellations and refunds

You may cancel your membership with us at anytime. We will process your cancellation within 7 working days. We do not provide a refund of a year or part year membership once it has been requested, processed and activated. If you believe your payment or signup has been made in error or has been the result of a fraudulent transaction or activity, please immediately contact our Membership team for advice and assistance on 0800 200 064.

Nature needs your support

Supporting Forest & Bird is one of the best things you can do for New Zealand's environment. We need people like you to support us, so that nature will always have a voice.
