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The Government has been elected at a crucial moment in history, as Aotearoa faces the unprecedented challenges of climate change and a major pandemic on top of a natural environment already in crisis.
These challenges come with significant opportunities for New Zealand. The Government can use Covid-19 recovery funding to deliver nature-friendly infrastructure that cuts New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions and transforms fishing, farming, and forestry into a genuinely sustainable primary sector. At the same time, funding improvements to institutions will create long-lasting benefits for environmental management.
Protecting nature is crucial and should no longer be ‘balanced’ against economic considerations. But if done right, keeping nature safe can create jobs, improve economic resilience, and help make our country carbon neutral by 2040. It will also lead to vibrant natural landscapes, healthy freshwater, and thriving oceans. New regulations will drive innovation that, in turn, creates work at a time when New
Zealanders are looking for jobs.
This briefing outlines many of the key actions and decisions nature needs over the next three years. Forest & Bird looks forward to working with the Government during the term to help deliver these recommendations.