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Conservation Heroes

As part of our Centennial Celebrations, Forest & Bird launched ‘Conservation Heroes’ - an initiative that ran from June 2023 through to February 2024. 

The Mountain | interview and giveaway

Newsletter article
Issue date

In Rachel House’s directorial debut, The Mountain follows the story of a young girl who feels disconnected from her Māori heritage.

STOP the War on Nature now

The Fast-track Approvals Bill

On 7 March 2024 the Government introduced a new Bill to Parliament (under urgency) called the Fast-track Approvals Bill.

STOP Fast-track

The biggest fight in our 100-year history is unfolding right now as the Government proposes law changes that will rapidly allow environmental destruction and pollution from developments across the country on land and at sea.

Fight for nature


We’ve closed this form to new submissions. We’re currently getting ready to pass on our submissions to Parliament’s Environment Committee. 

If you haven’t submitted yet, and want to make your voice heard, you still can.  

March Monthly Talk - 'Thoughts on seed collection and eco-sourcing'


Dan Moore is a local ecologist who has been working with the Te Hoiere (Pelorus) Project, using his expertise in seed collection to help with native species restoration. Dan's talk is titled 'Thoughts on seed collection and eco-sourcing'.

An open letter to Minister Bishop

Media release
Issue date

Hon Chris Bishop 
Minister for RMA Reform 

15 March 2024 

Tēnā koe Minister Bishop,  

Annual projects overview and AGM


AGM and projects overview

Fast track is outright assault on environment

Media release
Issue date

A new sweeping fast-track approvals bill being tabled in parliament today is anti-nature, anti-democracy, and will leave a mess for future governments to clean up, says Forest & Bird. 

Transforming Townscapes

Magazine article
Issue date

Alex Stone looks at the challenges ahead for conservation as we head into 2024 with a new government and an uncertain climate future. Part 3 of 4.

Nature needs your support

Supporting Forest & Bird is one of the best things you can do for New Zealand's environment. We need people like you to support us, so that nature will always have a voice.
