We know the challenges to our wildlife; the evidence is everywhere (see for example https://thespinoff.co.nz/society/03-03-2024/who-or-what-is-killing-all-the-robins; or the annual tragedies unfolding in Kaikoura with dotterels https://www.latitudemagazine.co.nz/the-plight-of-the-pohowera-kaikoura)
But what can we do? Lots!
Join us on Thursday 7 November at the Garden Room at St Peter’s Willis St, to hear from three champions for our taonga species about some of the solutions for change they are involved with. These inspiring speakers will share their experiences of change, why it is needed and how it can be done. Green MP and long time stalwart for conservation and Wellington, Celia Wade-Brown, will provide an update on where legislative plans to support cat containment are currently at; Lisa Whittle, local champion and a founding member of Wild Te Aro and Ngā Kaimanaaki o Te Waimapihi will share her experiences of what can work when the community takes charge with leading the change required, and Jessi Morgan, chief executive of Predator Free NZ Trust will inspire action on responsible cat ownership & improved cat management, so our precious native species can thrive.
Doors open from 6.30pm, please join us for a cuppa before the event begins at 7pm.
Register at Eventfinda below.