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North Island
Morepork. Photo: Jordan Kappelly

Morepork. Photo: Jordan Kappelly

Walking tracks: None, but the reserve is easily walk-able.

Getting there: Next to SH3, Mountain Road in the Huirangi District, Taranaki. The reserve is not generally accessible, but members of the public are welcome at the local branch’s planting and weeding days. 

The locals: Bellbirds, shining cuckoo, morepork, kingfisher and pukeko.

This small reserve surrounded by farmland contains a wealth of native plant-life, including tawa, puriri, kohekohe, titoki and rewarewa. The birdlife is equally diverse with bell-birds, shining cuckoo, morepork, kingfisher and pukeko all inhabiting this five-hectare block of land. The land is actively managed by Forest & Bird members who undertake pest control on a regular basis. In 1930, Te Wairoa caught the attention of the Prince of Wales, who spotted the reserve from his train and insisted on eating lunch there on his return journey.

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