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A lack of enforcement over burning, wetland clearance, and spraying on crown pastoral lease land shows how poorly some high country stations have been managed and highlights the need for more clarity over what is environmentally acceptable, says Forest
What is the National Policy Statement on Indigenous Biodiversity?
Forest & Bird has three branches and a long history of conservation in the Hawke’s Bay region.
Download from the link below.
Forest & Bird supports Save Kennedy Point (SKP) and others who have filed an injunction and judicial review aimed at halting marina construction activity on Waiheke Island, until Kennedy Point Boat Harbour Limited (KPBL) has properly set out how the
Overfishing caused the whitebait fishery to close in Tasmania.
The Tasmanian whitebait fishery introduced a raft of sustainable fishing rules following the collapse of fish stocks in the late 1980s.
The Ministry for the Environment’s latest environmental report presents a damning indictment of the way food is produced in New Zealand.
Feedback on the Canterbury Regional Council (Environment Canterbury) Long Term Plan Te Pae Tawhiti 2021/31
The inshore tarakihi fishing industry has admitted it's failing to adhere to voluntary measures it promised in a 2019 tarakihi catch limit deal with then Fisheries Minister Stuart Nash.
Forest & Bird has for many years had a strong interest and involvement in the greater Auckland area. Our strategic vision for the region is:
Forest & Bird is calling on the Department of Conservation to decline an application for a new opencast mine that would destroy native forest on conservation land.
The Government has caved to pressure from industry by backing away from rules that would protect Southland’s rivers from pollution.
A rāhui has been placed around Waiheke Island for the next two years by local iwi Ngāti Pāoa supported by the local Waiheke community.
Te Rūnanga o Awarua are progressing three mātaitai reserves around the Murihiku (Southland) coastline.
The legacy of the Bay of Plenty’s 2011 Rena disaster will be three reefs protected for nature, with the Minister for Conservation signing off the new Marine Protected Areas over the weekend.
Government Ministers need to review their decision to leave out nitrogen pollution limits from last year's freshwater law reform.
The Water Services Bill addresses the need for a regulatory regime that will “ensure that drinking water suppliers provide safe drinking water to consumers”.
This submission is made to Central Hawke’s Bay (CHB) District Council on behalf of the national office and the local branch of Forest & Bird.
The Government has been elected at a crucial moment in history, as Aotearoa faces the unprecedented challenges of climate change and a major pandemic on top of a natural environment already in crisis.
New Zealand’s peat wetlands are more powerful than tropical forests at absorbing carbon.
Forest & Bird congratulated He Pou a Rangi – the Climate Change Commission for delivering an ambitious, achievable plan to tackle climate change and endorsed its call for a stronger climate change target. The key takeawa
Lake Clearwater in Ashburton Basin lakes is closed as of yesterday until further notice due to terrible water quality from a potentially toxic algal bloom.
Four-wheel drive vehicles are destroying fences aimed at protecting nesting birds and driving over entire areas of beach, after a bylaw to ban vehicles from a stretch of Marlborough's coastline south of Marfells Beach has failed to progress.
Are you considering managing a bird campaign for Te Manu Rongonui o te Tau/Bird of the Year? Not sure if you’ve got the skills or talents required to help your bird get to the top? Wondering where to get started?
As the whitebait season closes for 2020, Forest & Bird is looking for changes before the next season to help our native fish recover.
The nation has voted and Aotearoa New Zealand has a new Bird of the Year.
As the West Coast white-baiting season closes for the year, the Government and new Minister for Conservation must heed overwhelming public support for better white-baiting rules.
Forest & Bird has discovered over 1500 fraudulent votes for the kiwi pukupuku/little-spotted kiwi in Bird of the Year/Te Manu Rongonui o te Tau.
Forest & Bird is warning the incoming Government that nationally critical Antipodean Albatross will go extinct unless urgent action is taken.
Forest & Bird’s annual Bird of the Year/Te Manu Rongonui o Te Tau begins 9:00 am Monday, 2 November.
Hundreds of areas of native habitat are being deliberately and unlawfully harmed around the country with near impunity, a report released by Forest & Bird has found.
An international report says the world has failed to meet any of its 2020 biodiversity targets for birds.
Forest & Bird has released photos obtained through the Official Information Act of 29 species of coral fished up from the ocean floor around New Zealand in the last 18 months. Link to coral images here.
A camera trial in the Hauraki Gulf has found inshore fishers reported twice as many seabird captures when a camera was on board.
Forest & Bird says the Green Party’s Farming for the Future policy, released today, is the kind of economic transformation all political parties should be offering as part of New Zealand’s COVID recovery.
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